AZON jest platformą informacyjną, powstaje w ramach projektu "Aktywna platforma informacyjna". Udostępniamy w nim tysiące zasobów naukowych w otwartym dostępie.

Within the "Aktywna platforma informacyjna" project, we are building the Atlas of Open Science Resources (AZON), in which we already provide tens of thousands of scientific resources. Books, articles, magazines, teaching materials, presentations, photos, 3D scans, audio and video files, databases, and many more...

Where resources come from?

The Atlas of Open Science Resources (AZON) provides scientific resources in open digital form to anyone interested. The resources were collected, prepared and made available by the following universities: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław Medical University and the University of Physical Education in Wrocław as well as the Institute of System Research PAS in Warsaw. Almost tens of thousands of resources have already been accumulated on the platform and their number is still growing. These are books, magazines, scientific articles, scripts, sketches, photos, conference materials, audio and video files, 3D models and many other scientific materials.

How to use resources?

The resources on the AZON platform are made available in the spirit of the idea of open data. The platform facilitates access to data sets and specialized knowledge, including those not yet published, from various scientific fields. The resources can be used for any purpose: scientific, business or private, but this use must comply with the terms of the open licenses. The platform includes both resources that can be used without restrictions (public domain), and those that are shared under certain conditions (e.g. author's attribution, no modification). The resources are complete, organized and readable. They can be searched, viewed, downloaded, printed, cited and, for the most part, redistributed, as long as the use complies with the terms of the license.

Who can use resources?

The Atlas of Open Science Resources does not introduce any restrictions on access to resources. All users with access to the Internet can use them, and they are made available without fees and registration. The resources on the AZON platform are prepared and provided in accordance with the accessibility standards. We do our best to make the resources easy to find and reuse for scientists, students, entrepreneurs and other people using the platform. Thanks to the application of transcription, subtitles, extended subtitles, or compliance with WCAG 2.0 guidelines, the Atlas is also adapted to the needs of the deaf, blind and partially sighted.

Linked Open Data – further data exploration

The resources are described with keywords from the AZON platform's own dictionary and from dictionaries and thesauruses used in the world, such as MESH, GEMET, AgroVoc, CLARIN or Geonames. By clicking on such a keyword you can go to the dictionary website from which it comes and learn more - read the definition, examples of use, explore narrower or broader concepts. In addition, each resource in the AZON platform is described by a set of metadata also available in formats adapted to machine processing, e.g. RDF or JSON-LD. Thanks to this and open licenses, it becomes possible to build your own tools around the resources, add new information and meanings to them, in the idea of creating semantic networks, allowing machines to see and understand data as human sees and understands it.

Who can depose resources in Azon and how

Employees of five organizations - project Partners - can deposit their works on the AZON platform, these are: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University, University of Physical Education in Wrocław and the Institute of System Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. To gain the access to the tool for depositing resources, available at, contact the project representative at your organization or the project office. Each Partner sets its own rules for granting the access to this tool and the deposition process. Depending on the type of resource and the Partner from which it comes, the resource may be subject to editorial changes and review. Once accepted, the resource is published.



New resources