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Resource type: video

WCSS - Superkomputer


Resource metadata

Title WCSS - Superkomputer
Persons Partner: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Description Nowy superkomputer udostępniony we Wrocławskim Centrum Sieciowo-Superkomputerowym. (Polish)
Keywords "komputer dużej mocy"@pl, "badania"@pl, "WCSS"@pl, "superkomputer"@pl, "użytkowanie KDM"@pl, "Informatyka"@pl
Classification Resource type: video
Scientific discipline: dziedzina nauk matematycznych / informatyka (2011)
Destination group: students, general public
Harmful content: No
Characteristics Place of creation: Wrocław
Creation time: 2007-03-02
Recording length: 00:01:34
Video recording genre or style: news
Publisher: TV STYK
Recording producer: TV STYK
Characters: Józef Janyszek, Tadeusz Więckowski
Resource language: Polish
Codec: H.264/MPEG-4
Original medium: DVC PRO
Technical assessment of material quality: 4
Original video material: material assembled without logo
Sound: stereo
Number of tracks: 2
Location: Wrocław
External links
License ID-NC-ND
Technical information Submitter: Marcin Miłek
Availability date: 19-06-2018
Collections Kolekcja Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Kolekcja e-Biblio PWr



WCSS - Superkomputer. [video] Available in Atlas of Open Science Resources, . License: ID-NC-ND, Date of access: DD.MM.RRRR.

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